Helping you reach your goals and even more.

We work with leaders in a holistic approach through 4 strategic pillars of church culture. Together, we achieve extraordinary outcomes.

1. Culture
Culture refers to the shared values, beliefs, and practices that shape the behavior of individuals within an organization.

2. Leadership
Churches are both places of worship and communities that require effective leadership to thrive. We help you raise strong leadership to unlock a church's full potential

3. Systems
To fulfill your mission, your team needs well-defined systems and processes in place. We’ll help you establish systems that support your vision and objectives.

4. Creative
Your organization's brand is more than just a logo or tagline; it's the identity that you present to the world that will help you engage your community.

We believe that the path to creating a healthy, thriving church is not a one size fits all but a one size fits one.

Our approach is relational and systematic, leveraging on-demand training with in-person coaching. Through authentic collaboration, we identify opportunities and priorities. We believe everything a leader needs is already gifted to them by God

Healthy leadership is not a solo mission

Building a winning organization can’t rest on your shoulders alone—it takes equipping everyone on your team with the skills they need to be leaders others want to follow. From creating a positive organizational culture and guest experience to sustaining productivity and increasing results, our proven solutions for leadership and team development lead to wins for your organization, even when you’re not in the room.

  • Keynote

    Abe will motivate, inspire, and engage your growing leaders with a custom message that connects and elevates your organization.

  • Private Workshop

    A private, customized workshop tailored to your team’s needs led by Abe with space for conversation, dreaming and executing.

  • Executive Coaching

    Strategic one on one time with Abe focused on helping you become the leader you always knew you were called to be.

  • Assessment

    Get a clear picture of the unique challenges your team is facing as a first step toward build a blueprint to elevate your organization.

Everything you need is already inside you

We help bring out your best and align it for greater impact.


Because culture eats strategy for breakfast.

Some of the takeaways include:

  • Discover and elevate your culture. By uncovering your authentic culture, you can create a strong foundation that inspires and guides your team, fosters a sense of belonging, and attracts like-minded individuals who resonate with your mission.

  • Cultivate a culture of excellence within your organization. We will assist you in setting high standards, establishing clear expectations, and implementing systems and practices that create a culture where individuals are empowered to grow, innovative ideas are encouraged, and excellence becomes the norm.

  • Engaging and empowering the next generation. It’s vital to cultivate emerging leaders and creating opportunities for their growth and development.


Because your strategy success depends on the skills and traits of the people who execute it.

Some of the takeaways include:

  • Identifying and developing your personal leadership style. We will assist you in exploring your strengths and areas for development, and providing valuable insights to help you become a more effective and influential leader, honing your leadership skills and achieving your full potential.

  • Crafting a compelling vision and strategy that aligns with your organization's purpose. We will help you develop a strategy that outlines actionable steps to reach your desired outcomes and make a lasting impact in your community.

  • Building and managing high-performing teams. We understand the importance of teamwork and will provide you with strategies for effective team formation, recruitment, and development.


Because you don’t rise to the level of your goals but to the level of your systems.

Some of the takeaways include:

  • We will analyze your goals, identify opportunities, and develop a custom blueprint that will guide your actions and ensure you are on track towards growth and health.

  • Establish a structured framework for discipleship, mentoring, and empowering your team, empowering them to excel in their roles and contribute to the vision.

  • Strategies and tools to enhance internal and external communication. This will help you create a communication ecosystem that builds trust, engages your community, and drives positive outcomes.


Because it’s not marketing it’s ministry.

Some of the takeaways include:

  • Discover your creative direction, clarify your values, and develop an engaging brand.Your organization's brand is more than just a logo or tagline; it's the identity that you present to the world that will help you engage your community.

  • Assistance in crafting high-quality, relevant, and engaging content across various platforms.Let’s tell stories that inspire genuine connections and reflect your mission. Use social to share your message and reach your community.

  • Expertise in building a creative team that can bring your vision to life.We will assist you in attracting and empowering talented individuals who possess the right skills and mindset to fuel innovation within your church.